The objective of this technical note is to present the results of employing a new, to the best of our knowledge, temporary synchronization device to the study of laser-induced plasma spectroscopy in a multi-pulse regime. By providing a means of controlling the time delay and the reading window of the spectrometer, this device allows the user to distinguish among the emissions from independent micro-pulses and groups of micro-pulses. Using this method, it is possible to optimize the reading of the spectra by choosing the most appropriate time delay and duration values of the spectral reading window

How to Cite:
Luis V. Ponce Cabrera, T. Flores Reyes, Yohan Perez Moret, and Fernando C. Alvira, "Application of a temporal synchronization device for the study of laser-induced plasma spectroscopy in a multi-pulse regime," Appl. Opt. 60, 1574-1577 (2021).